Sunday, December 29, 2019

Guide to Facebook Usage During a Job Search

Guide to Facebook Usage During a Job SearchGuide to Facebook Usage During a Job SearchPrivacy is an issue on Facebook, in general, but its even more of an issue when youre job searching. If youre elend careful, everything you deutsche bundespost on Facebook can be landseen by your current employer or a prospective employer. Inopportune comments and/or inappropriate photos have cost job seekers offers and have caused employees to be fired. Given the fact that just about everyone does use Facebook, its smart to take the time to make aya that what you post is seen only by who you want to see it, not by the world. If youre job searching or concerned about your boss or co-workers seeing your posts check your privacy settings carefully- both the general settings and the settings for each of your posts. Before you click to post, make sure its viewable by only the people you want to see it. Jon Gelberg, Chief Content Officer, Blue Fountain Media, shares tips for job seekers looking to bolste r and clean up their presence on Facebook. Content to Keep Private Dont post anything you wouldnt want your current employer or a prospective employer to see.Avoid any comments that could be interpreted as racist, sexist or discriminatory in any way.Remove or untag photos of you that show you in an unfavorable light. If you prefer not to, then be sure to carefully manage your album privacy settings. These control which people can see which of your albums.Look at your wall. Remove comments from your friends that seem distasteful.Look at the apps on your profile. Does their purpose portray you well? There are more than a few apps that may not be the best ones to have on your page when youre looking to get a job. What groups are you a member of? If you belong to Its 5 am, Im drunk, and on Facebook or any similar groups, you probably want to leave them. Privacy Settings Make sure only friends can see your photos.Make sure only friends can see your religious and political views.M ake sure only friends can see your posts.With the privacy settings, you are given an opportunity to preview your site, a feature that lets you see what the outside world sees when they access your Facebook page.Delete inappropriate Facebook apps. Social Media and Employee Rights Hope Goldstein, Partner withBryan Cave LLP, who represents employers in all aspects of labor law and employment law, shares her advice for employees and employers on what employees can post on Facebook and other social media sites, along with the issues employers need to be aware of when creating social media policies. Employees, regardless of whether they are talking around a water cooler in an office or on Facebook have the right to discuss working conditions. Stating your opinion on working conditions is a protected activity. Employees cant just post anything they want on Facebook or anywhere else. Libel or slander or posting comments about individuals that are not related to your work environment are not protected. Posting confidential company information, good or bad, is not protected. Employees need to be careful about what they post. You can still be terminated, even if you were right, if you violate a lawful company policy or the law itself or if your speech isnt otherwise protected activity. That is a lot to have to worry about, so if you have a legitimate company and your goal is to fix a problem at work, what often is the most effective is to follow the company policy for reporting workplace issues. Company Social Media Policies Employers should review their social media policy to be sure they arent limiting protected employee speech and to be sure employers are reasonable. Reasonable policies do include the right of employers to restrict use of company equipment and spending company time on non-work activities. These policies need to be consistently enforced.Employers should think twice before terminating an employee for posting information online to be sure they ar e in compliance with the law. When an employee is fired for posting on Facebook or another online site, they have the right to access the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) for assistance. Representation will be determined by the basis of the termination and on whether the information posted was protected by the National Labor Relations Act.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Top Nursing Resume Keywords + Skills for Registered Nurses (RN)

Top Nursing Resume Keywords + Skills for Registered Nurses (RN)Top Nursing Resume Keywords + Skills for Registered Nurses (RN)If youre in the midst of a job search, theres an often-overlooked tool that can give you some insight resume examples. Browsing throughthe resumes of people in the types of roles youre looking for can give you some clues about how your resume might be improved.Specific discoveries could include valuable credentials, cutting-edge technologies and techniques you should learn, sought-after skills and tools, and commonaccomplishments. Resume examples can be a great way to see how you stack up.Still, the best research tool is an individual job posting. Thats because the job posting itself is your primary source of resume keywords. These are the words you use to show an employer that you are a fit for their role. Usingresume keywordsproperly means your resume is mora likely to get noticed.Using them improperly can be just as damaging as not using them at all. Many a pplicant tracking systems have updated their algorithms to penalize applicants who try to game the system.Keywords play a huge role in how anapplicant tracking systemscores and ranks candidates. The higher you rank, the more likely you are to be invited in for an interview by the human on the other end of the ATS.The word cloud above was genesatzd using the text from a dozenjobpostings for registered nurses. The larger the word appears, the more times it appeared throughout the job postings.Registered nurseresume keywordsAssessmentBSNCareCaseClinicalCommunicateCompassionHealthLicenseMaintainManagementMedicalMonitorNeedsNursingPatientProvideRecordsRNTeamRegistered nurse keywordsFor a registered nurse resume, its important to use both the abbreviation (RN) and the full term (registered nurse) because applicant tracking systems and hiring managers could look for either or both. Similarly, include both your degrees abbreviated form (BSN) and the spelled-out version (Bachelor of Science in Nursing).Needs in these job postings referred not to what a candidate needs to have, but to patients needs.Tailoring your resumeCustomizing your resume to a particular job posting doesnt have to be anarduousprocess- and your response rate with customized resumes will be much higher than if you use the same resume for each application and just hope its close enough.The fact is that generic resumes arent close enough. And even if you do get so lucky as to have a hiring manager review your generic resume, it will be obvious to them that it was not written for their specific job opening. Its a competitive job market many people applying for each job will have submitted customized resumes. The difference between a generic resume and one targeted for a specific job is night and day.Tailoring each resume you submit is a straightforward process when youuse the right tools. First, you should have- and regularly update- acareer management document. Its analways-growing repository of things you have included on past resumes, things you might include on future resumes, plus other details- such asyour references and their contact information, ordetailed notes about individual professional accomplishments. That way you can refresh your memory later.After finishing a particular clinical rotation, for example, go to your career management document and make notes about the dates, location, people you worked with, challenges you handled, and anything else that stood out.When you have a detailed career management document to work from, its easy to pick and choose for your resume only whats relevant to a given job.When youre done, to see how well youve tailored your resume for a particular role, tryJobscan. Paste the text of your resume and the text of the job description into the resume analysis tool, and youll get instant feedback about whats good, whats missing, and what you can improve. Resume examples are a great starting point for your research, but no match for personal ized feedback when youre ready to apply.?

Friday, December 20, 2019

Introverts are natural disruptors  Heres why

Introverts are natural disruptors Heres whyIntroverts are natural disruptors Heres whyCo-founder of Quiet Revolution and author of Quiet The Power of Introverts in a World That Cant Stop Talking, Susan Cain works to make introverts around the world feel empowered at home and at the office. She recently sat down with world-leading business thinker Whitney Johnson, author of Disrupt Yourself Putting the Power of Disruptive Innovation to Work and host of the Disrupt Yourself Podcast, to discuss why introversion goes hand-in-hand with positive disruption.This conversation has been edited and condensed. To listen to Susan and Whitneys full conversation on the Disrupt Yourself Podcast, click here.Whitney What is the most disruptive thing you did when you were growing up?Susan Ive always been someone who followed my own drummer, mora than your average partie. In fact, I welches just taking Gretchen Rubins quiz that helps you figure out what kind of habit follower you are, and I discovered f rom that that I am a rebel, - Im not going to do it just because you told me to do it Im going to have to have my own internal reason for doing a thing.Whitney So, youre a disruptorSusan I never really thought about it like that. I knew from a very early age I wanted to be a writer - I was always creating magazines and selling subscriptions to my family members. It didnt really matter to me that other people werent doing that same thing that was just my thing.I dont even know where I got that idea from at such a young age. If theres something you love doing, I suppose, you want to then be the creator of that thing.Whitney You knew you wanted to be a writer. What kind of writer did you want to be?Susan When I was a kid, I thought I wanted to write stories because thats what you read when youre a kid. Part of the reason that it took me so long to actually become a writer is I didnt understand until a much later age that theres such a thing as creative nonfiction, and Im not really a fiction writer by nature. I reached a point at around age 20 thinking, Oh, I guess that was just a youthful dream, and that wasnt right because I actually just didnt want to be writing fiction.Whitney It was directionally right.Susan It was directionally right, but it took me another ten years to figure that out.Whitney So speaking of the next ten years to figure it out, you have had this revolutionary idea, and a short while later, over two million copies of your book Quiet The Power of Introverts in a World That Cant Stop Talking. What was your big idea that launched this movement?One out of every two or three human beings is introverted, and there is tremendous power associated with having this temperament.Susan The idea is that one out of every two or three human beings is introverted, and there is tremendous power associated with having this temperament. We live in a culture that is telling introverts that they should turn into extroverts, instead of helping them to capitalize on their powers for the benefit of themselves and of everyone.Whitney How do you define introvert?Susan Introverts get their energy from being in a quieter setting - you could be very socially skilled, but if youre out at the dinner party for too long, you start to feel like, Ive got to go home.Its also useful to know that that comes from a neurobiological difference between introverts and extroverts. Introverts have nervous systems that react mora to stimulation - what that means is we tend to be more in our sweet spots when things are a little bit quieter around us. And when things get too chaotic, we start to get that overwhelmed feeling, like, I want to tone this down. Extroverts have the opposite makeup. They have nervous systems that react less to stimulation, and so that means that theyre at their best when there is more happening. When theres not enough going on, they start to feel listless and unhappy.Whitney So how did you come up with this idea?Susan Well, I have been thinking about this all my life. From the time I was a little kid, my preferred way of spending my time was not necessarily conforming to the way our larger social structures were saying you were supposed to. I binnensee this now with my kids. You go to summer camp, for example. You get on the bus in the morning and its this uproarious environment, and you get to camp and its really loud music and, Were going to have so much fun today Were going to go to this activity and this one and then this one And you dont have any time or autonomy to do your own thing.When I stopped practicing law in my early thirties, I started writing plays and memoirs and stories, but then came back to this idea that Ive been thinking about all my life - this was the one I knew I was going to publish. All the other stuff that Id been working on is still sitting on my hard drive to this day, completely unattended to.Whitney Was this warming up or circling around? Were you not aware of it, or were you afraid of it?Susan A little bit of both. Back then it was a really weird, idiosyncratic topic and so I felt a little uncomfortable bringing it up. Also, there is a funny byproduct of all this - everybody is always viewing me through the lens of, Here comes the introvert, which is a strange lens to always be viewed through.Whitney Thats good from a market perspective, from Susan Cain as a product, but from Susan Cain as a person Youre saying it can get complicated.Susan Yeah, its limiting. I dont tend to think of life in product terms I think much more in person-terms. Now having said that, I wouldnt really sit around and complain about it - everything has been fantastic.I will say also as a writer, Ive always been drawn to writing about the things that make me, or people in general, feel uncomfortable. Thats always where the impulse to write has been. In fact, Im working on another book right now. I cant talk about the topic, but its the same feeling of this is one of those topics that bothers a lot of people and they dont even know it. That just happens to be my muse as a writer and comes with some discomfort, and you take that as part of the package.Whitney Is there any way in which you would argue that introverts are uniquely suited to disruption?Susan I do think that its very common for introverts to describe themselves in the way that I did - marching to their own drummer. Whether that is an intrinsic property of being introverted or whether its just a byproduct of spending quite a bit of time in your own company, either way, the result is that you know what you think and feel about things, and you tend to develop your own view of the world, which lends itself to disruption.Its very common for introverts to describe themselves in the way that I did - marching to their own drummer. You know what you think and feel about things, and you tend to develop your own view of the world, which lends itself to disruption.Whitney I agree. One of the first accelerants o f a personal disruption framework is that a disruptor takes on market risk. Instead of taking on competitive risk, you take on market risk, which is you dont know if there is a market, but if there is, your odds of success are six times higher. So, its amazing to hear you say that introverts are uniquely suited to disruption because theyre comfortable playing where other people arent.Susan I dont even think introverts think about it in those terms - they just take it for granted because thats just the way they live. Theyve been living that way from the beginning, in school cultures and work cultures where their way of doing things was not in keeping with the norm. When we first started Quiet Revolution, which is based around all unterstellung ideas, we did the thing that I think all companies ask themselves when theyre first starting, which is, Who are our competitors? Who are our role models here? And we kept scratching our heads we couldnt really find any.Whitney Youre building a company around the idea that we need to disrupt our view of introverts. Would you share an experience or two youve had where youve seen that these ideas are working, or how its made a difference as you introduce them to a particular community, whether its a school or a company?Susan One of the things were doing now is our Quiet Ambassador experience. Companies identify a cohort of people within the company who are passionate about these ideas, and they serve as ambassadors. This means that we train them in our methodology and our thinking, and then they take those ideas and implement them in their day-to-day life inside their companies.Im thinking of one young woman who was quite introverted herself but had this ambassador role. She went back to her team and said, Hey guys, maybe we should think differently about the way we structure our meetings. We should sit down and have a team meeting about the way that everybody likes to work differently, and how we can accommodate each other s preferences. elend only did the team start to function better, but she herself came to be seen as a leader in a way that she hadnt been previously.Weve also had schools, for example, dramatically rethink how they do class participation. One of the most common problems is from parents who say, My child is doing great in school. They know everything, and theyre being graded lower because theyre not raising their hands as much as another child who is actually not as much in command of the material. Its very frustrating. So weve been working with schools to think about classroom engagement instead of classroom participation. Its a much broader way of assessing how a student is interacting with the material and their peers.Introverts are uniquely suited to disruption because theyre comfortable playing where other people arent.Whitney How are you defining engagement?Susan It can be things like raising your hand - thats the classic one - but it can also be chatting with fellow students after class about what just happened, or participating in writing. Are you showing the teacher - even through non-vocal signs - that you understand the material, and that youre switched on? Its a more holistic way of thinking about the different ways people learn.We do want our kids to leave school with the skills they need to make their voices heard, so Im not saying that raising hands should be irrelevant, but weve gone overboard. Its so lopsided right now in the way we think about these things.Whitney It also leads to a situation where sometimes people interview for jobs, and they get jobs they shouldnt get because theyre just good at talking. And people dont get jobs they should get, because theyre not so good at talking.Susan And its not just jobs its also startup pitches. A good friend of mine whos a VC guy in private equity is very attuned to these dynamics. He sees this happen all the time - somebody will come in and make a great presentation and everybodys impressed, ev en though they havent really said anything.Whitney Give them $500,000Susan Exactly. We really are trained that way.Whitney Do you think its possible for an extrovert to disrupt themselves and become an introvert?For all of us, we want to disrupt ourselves by acquiring skills that are not necessarily in our default skillset.Susan Well, I dont think theyre going to become an introvert, but I do think that for all of us, we want to disrupt ourselves by acquiring skills that are not necessarily in our default skillset. A lot of extroverts come up to me and say, I would really like to be more comfortable with quiet. And Id like to be more comfortable with my own company. So how can I do that? I think extroverts need to stretch in those ways, the same way introverts need to stretch at a cocktail party.All these things are acquirable. Its much more liberating to think of these things in terms of skills, instead of in terms of basic personality. Because your personality is what it is, and y ou should love it and accept it. And then layered on top of that, you can acquire any number of skills. Some of them will be uncomfortable for you to use, but you can use them strategically, as long as youre honoring who you really are. If youre an extrovert who is not comfortable in your own company, and you know youre going to spend all day in your own company, schedule the dinner out with friends afterward, to reward yourself.This article firstappeared on Heleo.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

How to Prep Your References for HRs Potential Call

How to Prep Your References for HRs Potential CallHow to Prep Your References for HRs Potential CallPrepping your references can make all the difference in whether you get the job you want - or leid. A positive reference check, especially with a former manager or supervisor, is a priority in the hiring decisions of many employers. A reference check is their only opportunity to receive, hopefully frank, direct feedback about you and your history of job performance. This information is essential as your prospective Human Resources department makes the determination that your skills and experience will be a good fit for the job. They also need to know whether your professionalism and work style are a good fit for their company culture. Both of these pieces of information should be readily available to them if you have properly prepared your references for HRs call. How to Properly Prepare Your References Several steps can significantly help you prepare your potential references to truly reinforce your professionalism and competence when they are contacted by prospective HR departments or bosses. Make sure that you take these actions to ensure that you are selected when you find your dream job. To prepare your references properly, ask to make sure that the individual wants to serve as a reference for you. If the part agrees, tell them what areas of your strengths and contributions youd like them to emphasize when they are called by prospective employers. This will help them know what to say so that they can help you land your dream job.Ask your references what they will say about you when the call comes from HR. You will appreciate knowing what your reference believes positively about you. Their thoughts also tell you what the background checker will find. Do make sure that your references are prepared to respond favorably when the potential employer calls to do a reference check. Ask your references if theyd like a heads up from you when you expect HR will ca ll them. Some will so that they feel adequately prepared others are comfortable talking off the cuff when called to support your candidacy.Most wont, but asking your potential references is smart. Your call to your references to discuss these three matters gives you the opportunity to emphasize how important their timely response is to your job search. It also gives you the opportunity to describe the job, why you want the job, and how they can help you obtain the job. Reference Checking Gone Awry A midwestern manufacturing company had eliminated the competition and settled upon two candidates for their open job. Both candidates were superficially well-qualified. However, reference checks and background checks are a critical component before making any job offer. They started with a reference check of their preferred candidate. She had the field to herself until it took the company three weeks to check her references. A second qualified candidate had also come to their attention during this extended reference check time period. What did the primary candidate do wrong? She included no reference phone numbers on her application nor on her resume. Her listed references were coworkers, not bosses, so HR had to dig for the numbers of her former supervisors. Indeed, HR had to dig for the phone numbers of her listed references. Several references never returned the companys phone calls for over two weeks. HR finally had to loop in the candidate to get her help to contact the references. She should have been on this before HR started calling to check the references, and her references should have known that they would receive calls. They should have been informed about how important their participation was in the decision about whether the candidate would receive a job offer. The reference checks and their preparation should have been a priority for the candidate. Instead, she let another candidate get her foot in the door and she lost her stated dream job. The pr imary candidate truly blew it. The second candidate, who was identified during the reference checking delay, was hired for the position. Final Thoughts on Prepping References In a nutshell, make sure your references know that you expect the potential employer will call them. According to Alison Doyle, Job Search Expert According to a Society for Human Resource Management(SHRM) survey more than eight of ten human resource professionals said that they regularly conduct reference checks for professional (89 percent), executive (85 percent), administrative (84 percent) and technical (81 percent) positions. Regular reference checks were less likely, but still probable, for skilled-labor, part-time, temporary and seasonal positions. Information routinely provided to references checkers by surveyed employers included dates of employment, eligibility for rehire, salary history, and employability. There are specific types of questions the potential employer will askwhen they call your re ferences. Make sure that your references are ready to answer these questions in a timely, optimistic, positive, honest, open manner. Ask your references to please chat up your strengths, as they can make all of the difference in whether you are hired for your dream job.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The Good, the Bad and What Goes in a Resume

The Good, the Bad and What Goes in a Resume Even the info about how many profiles each recruiter checked throughout that time isnt mentioned there. You have to make sure your resume summary statement concisely demonstrates why youre a best candidate for the particular job and business. A resume summary statement is a succinct list or a number of sentences at the peak of your resume (after your contact information) that highlights your qualifications for employment. A resume summary may be called an executive summary, particularly for upper-level positions. Resumes are made to highlight the very best side of an individual. CVs are the norm in the majority of European nations and can differ from the conventional American CV. They are typically two or three pages, minimum. Because your CV demands specific and detailed career info, it ought to be frequently updated. The way the role and the outcomes are alfruchtwein always bold. Project managers arent just restricted to a sing le area of work either, in actuality, most industries will take a project manager sooner or later. Companies hire you for the results that you can deliver through the responsibilities youre given. If youre really keen to earn a career in the banking business, you may apply in various banks and financial organizations. If you receive an employer to spend more than 6 seconds to check at your resume, then your likelihood of getting an interview are considerably greater. Including a highly effective summary section at the peak of your resume is the very best approach to acquire your next boss excited to meet you and wish to call you in for an interview. New jobs can help ex felons to develop into a portion of the society. For that reason, its almost always a fantastic idea to update your CV. You have to choose the kind of resume in line with the job that you are interested in and the experience youve got. Saves Time whenever youre looking for a very good job, its always fantas tic to have a separate resume for each job. Locating a job may be tedious procedure, especially whenever youre on the hunt for a remote one. When a provider opens a job requisite, its because they have an issue or an objective. In case you havent been to a career fair yet, they are sometimes a small crazy. You will be a dream candidate any hiring manager may wish to check out and snatch up very quickly. Its so worth your investment if you would like to receive a job above your experience. An excellent name brand acts as a signal, yet there are many other signals that are important also. In addition to mentioning your proficiency, you will also wish to showcase your previous performance. Well, its essential to know the characteristics of best resume for LinkedIn, so it would be simple to pick the ideal online resume service. Lets say that youre a software engineer who is attempting to be a data scientist. A resume is the most usual document when putting in an application for work and it is by far the most preferred paper in the USA and Canada. Some ask you to create some kind of small project. In most instances, if you may make a case for why a patent is pertinent to your application, then dont hesitate to include it in your resume. You shouldnt make the endorsements, part of your profile summary. The New Angle On What Goes in a Resume Just Released Thus, learn what the mindset of the organization is and tailor the manner in which you present your achievements to what the provider is trying to find. Although it appears irrelevant or unprofessional, still, the truth is that the culture is changing. The most difficult portion of applying for employment is obtaining an interview and receiving the opportunity to speak to your employer in person. You desire a flawless and professionally drafted resume to generate an area at LinkedIn and create the expert relationship. If a content writer develops its LinkedIn resume and try using some weird keywo rd for its profession like Content Artist, he then will not receive the expected reaction. Make sure the emphasised content is an unaffiliated overview of your resume. Include any relevant personal link that you want to share, as an example, your portfolio or blog site.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Warning Signs on Writing a Resume for a Simple Job when Im Overqualified You Should Know About

Warning Signs on Writing a Resume for a Simple Job when Im Overqualified You Should Know About Hiring managers arent always eager to bring on someone whos overqualified. Salary could also be a major factor on the reason why a hiring manager might pass on an applicant. If youre searching for work in an entirely different region of expertise, then answering such a question is really straightforward. Employer concern you are going to be bored Suppose you really are ready to do whatever the job requires. Hearsay, Lies and Writing a Resume for a Simple Job when Im Overqualified Or perhaps you just really need work. Finding a job doesnt mean that you will need to compromise dramatically. Provided that its a job which you desire So long as its a job which you desire The Appeal of Writing a Resume for a Simple Job when Im Overqualified If youre missing specific abilities and someone else has them we can inform you that because its a matter of fact. Its very clear that getting a great post-college job isnt a walk in the park. Becoming Overqualified You Cant Win Em All The strategies and resources above will provide you with the very best gunst der stunde at acquiring a job while being overqualified. The advice and resources above will provide you the very best chance at acquiring a job while being overqualified. Just like all applications, make sure that you tailor your CV in such a manner that youre able to prove you satisfy the role requirements. You sit down to create the absolute most financially important document you could ever own, You compose a document that attempts to capture everything you believe is important and of which youre proud. Well it is all dependent on whether the job posting instructions specify a specific format. Whispered Writing a Resume for a Simple Job when Im Overqualified Secrets Finding the proper job will require you to learn how to compose a targeted cover letter and the way to coordinate with your qualifications to a job. 1 simple fix is to place your education section at the conclusion of your CV, which means you may sell the employer on your abilities and experience first. If you have to consist of employment history that dates back further than 15 years due to your accomplishments or due to the businesss reputation, it is suggested that you leave off your dates of employment. New Step by Step Roadmap for Writing a Resume for a Simple Job when Im Overqualified If thats the case, then you need to absolutely think about targeting one level up roles. Whether youre a recent graduate or a career changer, understanding how to compose a resume whenever you have zero work experience may appear daunting. By way of example, maybe your experience at some high-level positions will nonetheless assist and inform your day-to-day work in the present position (or may be an add-on that you provide). If you simply recently retired from work within the field to which youre applying for work, a chronologic al resume is a good option. Choosing Good Writing a Resume for a Simple Job when Im Overqualified Or maybe although youre a manager before, youre now seeking to flourish in a more technical function. Utilize your cover letter to reveal why the job is appropriate for you, even when you could do something at a greater level. When youve resolved to apply, it is an excellent concept to deal with the fact youre overqualified in your cover letter. It is possible to just get a feeling theyre not in a position where theyre prepared to do the grunt work. Facts, Fiction and Writing a Resume for a Simple Job when Im Overqualified When you havent had much formal work experience, include other kinds of work that show youve got the appropriate abilities. So once youre considering how to compose a resume, dont forget that you ought to be selling your abilities and accomplishments, not simply listing your work history and your old responsibilities. No job ought to be beneath any of us when it has to do with supporting ourselves and our family members. The majority of us have worked here for an extremely long time some up to more than 40 decades, mostly men. Why Almost Everything Youve Learned About Writing a Resume for a Simple Job when Im Overqualified Is Wrong By carefully targeting resumes for particular jobs and situations, youre able to greatly improve your odds of getting noticed in the work market. A resume, in reality, is your own bonafide advertising document. Since you might not have a great deal of experience, its important to include information thats related to your intended job like coursework, projects, extracurricular activities, or volunteer work. Its only that the wise candidates who get hired did so since they took control of the work search practice.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Most Disregarded Solution for Visual Resume

The Most Disregarded Solution for Visual Resume New Ideas Into Visual Resume Never Before Revealed While script could be a lovely pick for handwriting and Comic Sans could possibly be suitable for your kids birthday invitation, they arent ideal for a resume. Today, only text resumes may not be enough to catch the interest of your prospective boss. Visual resume poetry in its finest. The Definitive Approach to Visual Resume To start with, it is contingent on the position for which youre applying. If you wish to set your core skills first to allow the recruiter know your knowledge, Visuals and images have a tendency to reverberate them better as theyre simple to capture. Infographic resumes arent ATS-friendly, and therefore dont even attempt to submit it through an applicant tracking system. Below, you will discover some of the best-selling visual CV resumes that Envato Elements has to offer you. There are many creative resume templates. Nowadays there are numerous beaut iful visual resume templates offered for download throughout the net. Browse our assortment of stunning visual resume templates on Envato Elements should you also intend on downloading other entwurf elements on a standard basis. Although the overall look of your resume is surely crucial, if you intend to send it through the web, plain text format resume is perhaps your most suitable choice. The file is completely layered and print-ready. The full file is completely layered and print-ready. Its high-quality PSD file is totally customizable. At times, the applicant when writing the resume objective fails to fulfill the standards that are determined by the employer due to the language used. In general, recruiters wish to employ someone whose career progression is related to the mode of vacancy. As a job seeker, your resume must be in a position to do the exact thing so as to land you more interviews. Infographic resumes arent for everybody, however, and occasionally a tradition al resume will be more appropriate, based on the circumstance. There truly is a lot to gain in a situation like this. So, its very important on the section of the applicant, that words that hes using should be appropriate enough. If at all possible, select folks who can speak to your abilities and qualifications as they relate to the job which youre applying for. Keep personal info to a minimum unless it is exceedingly related to the job for which youre applying. Who Else Wants to Learn About Visual Resume? Hence lots of Testing professionals are preferring visual resumes to remain in the competition in the work market. As soon as its important to get people who can vouch for your abilities and techniques, offering a list of references right from the gate during work search isnt always the ideal policy. Benefit from premade visual resume templates so that you may focus your time and efforts on the authentic job search. Its content-packed layout is great for engaging employe rs with a variety of facts, from experience to education. Ok, I Think I Understand Visual Resume, Now Tell Me About Visual Resume If it is a location independent job, you ought to do fine. A visual resume is a resume that may present images and graphical information concerning the work seeker. First of all, your resume never enables you to find the job which youre aiming at. You are able to have a look at a number of the most effective Visual Resumes that exist on the internet to find a hint of what Im referring to. Understanding Visual Resume Exactly like your regular resume, you wish to continue to keep your visual resume short and easy. It is difficult to earn an excellent visual resume. Take a look at my visual resume here. Keep in mind, creating a resume that catches eyes in the current marketplace is imperative to your job searching success. Creating a resume may be an art and a few of the folks prefer to create it when actually they desire a job. Its possible to believe that you did an excellent job but when all is said and done, your resume can be bad. Make certain you didnt miss whatever could cost you the job that you dream about Also, you may use all types of font you desire. Decide on a resume template which suits the essence of the job which you want to apply to and build upon it to create a winning resume that you are able to trust. Otherwise, you could also employ a graphic designer that will help you out. A number of the finest professional designers have been working day and night which is just the main reason why we can provide you with the finest graphic CV example.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Reese Witherspoon just said what we all think during meetings

Reese Witherspoon just said what we all think during meetingsReese Witherspoon just said what we all think during meetingsReese Witherspoon may have started off as just an actress when she landed her first lead role in The Man in the Moon in 1991 but today she is a multi-hyphenate business mogul who can list film and television as well as CEO of her media company, Hello Sunshine (the force behind Big Little Lies, Wild, Gone Girl) and founder of lifestyle brand Draper James.She is also an Oscar, Emmy and Golden Globe winner. In other words, the woman is a beast.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moraAnd though she makes it all look so easy with an effortless smile and that never waning Southern charm, Witherspoon did once doubt herself as being capable of running a company.She told InStyle magazine this month, I never knew I could run a company the media firmHello Sunshine. I had to hav e people tell me I could do it. I had no idea I had this skill until about eight years ago. Witherspoon continued, My husband Quibi executive Jim Toth told me I could, and my agent echoed what he said. Then, when I was at a conference speaking about the importance of women in media, an executive from a major media platform came up to me.He goes, Why arent you running your own media company? Why are you working for someone else? Why dont you just do it yourself? I thought, Jeez, if the CEO of this company thinks I can do it, maybe I can.The Wild Wild WestBesides the outside reinforcement what really made her think she could launch and run her own media company was something many of us think but never say during meetings.When you start to realize that nobody knows what theyre doing, you go, Oh Nobody knows what theyre talking about in meetings. Its literally the Wild, Wild West, Witherspoon said. The movie business is not what it used to be streaming platforms are taking over. You hav e to flow with things and be awake, aware, and clued into the change.So, there you go. The secret to having confidence is realizing that most people are making it up as they go along they just look like they know what they are doing. But it helps if you are Reese Witherspoon.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Thursday, November 21, 2019

How to Address a Layoff on Your Resume

How to Address a Layoff on Your ResumeHow to Address a Layoff on Your ResumeThe 30-year-old electrical engineer wanted one job, thats it, to carry him from graduation to retirement. When he was laid off by a large national pipeline company, he was mad. True, it wasnt personal he was only one of several hundred included in the companys workforce reduction. But still, he was mad.It really showed through in his attitude as we practiced for interviews, said his career coach/resume writer, Jacqueline Garwood, who said zu sich clients negativity binnenseeped through no matter what he was actually saying in the practice interviews. It was my major focus in coaching.Garwoods client was worried that the layoff would make him appear unemployable and present an obstacle to getting a new job. And he was right, if only because of his attitude, said Garwood, who coached him out of his anger and taught him to present a better image to recruiters and hiring managers.The engineer is leid alone in pre suming his unemployed status made him less employable. Recruiters and hiring managers who spoke to Ladders admitted it can be an impediment to being hired. At the very least it is elend preferred, they said.But job seekers can take steps to present themselves and their unemployment in the best possible light and make it clear that theyre still active in their professions.Are companies biased against the unemployed?A phenomenon of the poor economy is that recruiters and hiring managers have grown more accepting of unemployed candidates. They call it candidate forgiveness, the willingness to consider an unemployed candidated who otherwise meets the job requirements. Saying that you were laid off is no longer a problem. In fact, its not outrageous to say that its expected said Bruce A. Hurwitz, president and CEO of Hurwitz Strategic Staffing. Thats the good news about the economy. Employers realize that it is not necessarily the candidates fault that he or she is unemployed.But it rema ins undesirable, and many recruiters and employers remain downright hostile to unemployed candidates. The sentiment was captured by this job posting from an electronics company in Texas, as profiled in a June 4 article on the Huffington Post Clients will not consider/review anyone NOT currently employed regardless of the reason.According to Christine P. Bolzan, founder of Graduate Career Coaching, prejudice against hiring the unemployed has contributed to the rise in long-term unemployment. It is so challenging to attain re-employment in this environment and job seekers need to do all they can to keep their resumes and online profiles current, she said. You need to have work to find work.Stealth layoffsA particular problem is what Bolzan refers to as stealth layoffs, where a company eliminates employees but refuses to term it a layoff for fear of acknowledging financial difficulty. It leaves the laid-off employee to grapple with the false impression that he was fired. It is a partic ular problem for many of Bolzans attorney clients, she said. Ive seen dozens of cases where very talented folks are making it to final rounds of interviews only to lose the spot at the end where references have been called and firms are still not owning up to the nature of the layoffs, Bolzan said. I have also been told by mid-career job seekers working with recruiters that specific companies have instructed them not to even bother showing them candidates who are unemployed.The best advice, according to Bolzan If you can help it, stay employed if you cant, use your resume to work around the issue.How to look employed when youre unemployedDont let a work-history gap creep into the top of your resume after youve been laid off. Career counselors advise unemployed job seekers to take on work they can list as experience, whether its contracting or a volunteer lage. Working on a book and consulting are other endeavors that show youre still engaged with the world and which you should list on your resume just make sure that whichever task you take on, its related to your former line of work.For example, a sales professional might take on fundraising for a cause that she supports or even for an alma mater, Bolzan suggested. Not only will this keep your resume current, but it also might present networking opportunities, she said. It is not hard to find a local charity that can benefit from pro bono professional services such as accounting, public relations and strategy consulting.If your profession has a formally organized charitable organization, such as Greater Boston Legal Services, approach them with your resume and a set number of hours youd like to contribute each week. Volunteering is not only a great way to stay current but will also give your days structure, meaning and a reason to leave the house.Lowball offersOn the other end of the spectrum are those hiring managers who see a work-history gap and figure the job seeker is hungry enough to take a lower salary. Dr. Larry Chiagouris, professor of marketing at Pace University, has heard this attitude from human-resources managers who tell him that given students of his are out of school for so long without a job, managers know theyll take less money just to get their foot in the door.It works the same way with more senior execs, Chiagouris said. Given the cost pressures companies are facing, they are not only looking for the best person, but they are looking for who will cost them the least amount of salary.Deborah A. Bailey had one client who was laid off from a high-level position and was interested in a job at a lower level. Since the clients desired position involved more hands-on work than her previous management position, Bailey said, Bailey emphasized her clients hands-on experience on her resume. Though she was laid off from her previous job, by playing up her transferable skills on her resume, she could show that her overall business experience was strong and worth consideration, s aid Bailey, a career expert, speaker and author of Think Like an Entrepreneur Transforming Your Career and Taking Charge of Your Life.Work-history datesLets say you were laid off in April 2010. How should you list your job dates? You certainly cant say 2008present, since that would be misrepresentation. Is 2008-2010 acceptable, then?Theres no consensus on the date question among hiring managers or resume professionals. Resume writers such as Garwood have their clients put only the years on their resume, saying that it gives some leeway - until the year is over, anyway.Others such as Brian P. McGowan, Managing Partner of Aquinas Search Partners, strongly advise full disclosure relative to employment dates. It is better to be forthright and transparent than to potentially deceive or mislead a potential career opportunity with either an employer or recruiter, he said. Companies and executive search professionals are deliberate in their selection process and will conduct the due dilige nce to properly reference a candidate.Bailey concurred, pointing out that current employers verify all your information. I suggest that job seekers use the accurate month and year that their job ended. If the employer finds a discrepancy, they may believe that there are also other things on the resume that arent true. Its better to be as truthful as possible than to possibly lose an opportunity, she said.The bottom line List the month and date of your jobs. Even if 95 percent of professionals think its OK just to list years, there are still 5 percent who might smell a coverup. Dont risk alienating even one in 1,000 potential employers.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Where I Work Chris Garrett

Where I Work Chris Garrett Where I Work Chris Garrett What does your desk say about you? Why is your office the way it is? How does it tie in with what you do for a living? Im fascinated by peoples work spaces which is why Im starting a regular feature to show where different people spend their days and to chat with them about what their desk says about them. (If youd like, send me a photo of your own workspace and I might just feature you next time). Today Im honored to feature one of my favorite bloggers, Chris Garrett. Chris is one of those guys who make you wonder just what youre doing with all your time. Hes a marketing and social media consultant, an author (his latest book is Problogger) and a prolific blogger with a large and dedicated following. It turns out that hes also a really nice guy. In fact, it was a video of his desk that first gave me the idea for this feature. Here it is: When I saw all those toys, I had to ask why! So heres my QA with Chris What are we looking at on your desk and what does that say about you? I think my desk screams geek. It is cluttered with nerdy toys, like R2 D2 and a light saber from Star Wars, a sock puppet monkey, Bender robot from Futurama and a Transformers toy from the 1980s. What you cant see just out of shot is more of that stuff on the window sill. One of the advantages of working for yourself from home is you can have on your desk whatever makes you smile, but I have to be careful to not be playing with the stuff when my wife walks in! My wife shares the other half of the desk and has her iMac set up there. Her side is much tidier and features a The Boss mug which says it all really. Whats the one thing in your office that you would rescue in the event of a fire. (You only get one) My cat, Tigger. We used to have two, they were brothers from the same litter. Casper was my colleague, sitting on my desk or window while I worked for many years but he died recently. Now Tigger comes and visits instead. He doesnt spend as much time, just comes in to hang out then wanders off. How did you get into what you do now? Its a series of random events really. In the early 90s I was working at a college as a systems administrator. When they needed someone to set up their internet stuff I was the person who got to do it. I was setting up websites, routers, and all that before most non-nerds had heard of any of it, so when there was a commercial interest I was well placed. I worked for internet consultancies and advertising agencies as a web geek until I finally went off on my own in 2005. Whats the best thing about your job? Freedom is the best part, I think. I can work from anywhere there is power and an internet connection, and since I have worked for myself I havent had to miss a single one of my daughters school events. Whats the most common misconception about your job? There are lots of misconceptions about my job, its hard to pick just one. I think the most common is that I am here as free technical support, 24/7, to people that bump into friends of far-flung relatives. Its not unusual to get a call at midnight from someone I have never met asking how to fix their twelve year old computer. To learn more about Chris, follow him on Twitter or visit his blog. To have your own workspace featured, send a photo (or video link) via the address on my contact page. Id love to see where you work!

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Moving Forward After a Negative Performance Review -The Muse

Moving Forward After a Negative Performance Review -The Muse Moving Forward After a Negative Performance Review When you begin a new position, it’s not uncommon to feel special. As the new guy or girl, you bring a shiny, fresh perspective, and your boss makes it seem like the possibilities are endless. That is- until your first performance review. You know, that dreaded moment when your manager sits you down and provides critical feedback. Once this happens, you may feel defensive (and even resentful)- especially if you’re told that your work isn’t up to par. Suddenly, you find yourself questioning your manager’s every move and delegated task. You may even be imagining that your boss is out to get you and declaring all of the reasons you’re right- both of which are counterproductive and could put your job (or at least your reputation) in jeopardy. Wait, what just happened? Everything was going so well. The truth is that it all comes down to ego. You see, when you are sought after and in the recruitment stages of a position, your ego is getting plenty to eat. But when the honeymoon phase is threatened with a dose of reality, you have a flash of insecurity. Because, what if you aren’t the amazing employee you sold your company on? When it’s not being sustained by flattery and praise, the ego survives on anger. So the natural reaction is to feel defensive, as if your manager was unjustified in giving you feedback. She must pay- and the ego takes it from there. But what if you could skip all of the negative feelings and, instead, settle into a new phase that could lead to a happier and more productive relationship with your boss? The good news is you can. Now, don’t get me wrong: I’ll admit that the first bruise of the ego in any relationship is always the hardest, but once you are done licking your wounds, you will realize that a bad day for the ego is actually a great day for your growth and long-term professional relationships. While a poor review hurts, it provides you with the information you need to immediately start doing a better job. The key lies in what you ultimately do with the feedback from that point on. So, how does one silence the ego, take feedback in stride, and channel it for the better? Here are a few suggestions. 1. Ditch Your Story First things first, you need to realize that a large part of your stress is from your story, not your reality. You have the same job and the same boss you loved just before your meeting- nothing has really changed except how you’re framing the situation in your head. So, try this: Write down what you are telling yourself internally and then fact check. Edit your story by asking yourself, “Do I know this to be true?” You will soon realize that many of the conclusions you are making about your boss or situation (e.g., “My boss just has it out for me”) aren’t necessarily true. Rewriting that story will bring you back to reality and enable you to move forward- which is much better than dwelling on the negativity in your head. 2. Keep it Private You would be furious if your boss gave you feedback in public or talked about you to others, right? So don’t go there yourself. Too often, what begins as a private conversation becomes a drama-fest when you hash everything out with your colleagues, the janitor, and whoever else will listen. I know- you’re looking for validation that you are awesome and your boss is wrong. And while that’s not entirely out of bounds, you are putting a lot at risk when you start airing your dirty laundry out at work. Managers are legally bound to protect employee confidentiality, and keeping your review private on your end demonstrates respect and maturity. Complaining about what a jerk your boss is makes you look unprofessional- and doesn’t do anything to dispute a less-than-stellar review. 3. Own Your Actions It’s tempting (and easy) to blame everyone around you- including your boss- for poor outcomes. However, the more rewarding path in life comes from a place of personal accountability, not blame. You have a choice: to be right or to be happy. You can either spend a ton of energy feeling undervalued by your boss, or you can listen carefully and adapt your behavior to succeed in spite of the circumstances. So, don’t consider suggestions from your boss as feedback, reframe them as feedforward. Your manager is there to help you grow. Think about it: She likely wouldn’t take the time to help you understand what needs to be worked on if she didn’t feel you had the potential to get there to begin with! Once you stop focusing on what’s happening to you and focus instead on what you can do to move forward, you’ll move closer to the results you’re looking for. 4. Use Feedback in the Future Feedback won’t stall your career- but stagnating will. So, look at your boss as the valuable coach he is and demonstrate that you’re willing to learn and grow. What if you’ve accepted that he might be on to something, but you’re still not quite sure how to avoid being defensive when hit with a negative critique? You don’t have to say that you’re thrilled to receive critical feedback, but you should absolutely be able to manage the cordial, “Thank you for giving me that feedback.” Asking a question is another great option. Try, “Could you give me an example of a situation I might have handled differently, so that I’ll know what to work on in the future?” Remember that a tough situation can be your greatest teacher. If you messed up, you’ll know how to avoid a similar issue the next time around. And even you still think what you did was OK, you’ve learned your new boss’ preferences- which can be half the battle. Want to get back to that job you loved enough to accept and to that boss who supports you? It’s much easier than you might think, and you have the power to make it happen. At the first sign of the honeymoon ending, check your ego at the door, use negative feedback as an opportunity for growth, and choose to move forward. Prove that- despite the circumstances- you really are the rock star the company thought you were, and you will reap the rewards. Photo of unhappy worker courtesy of Shutterstock.

Monday, November 18, 2019

7 Easy Ways to Advance Your Career This Summer (Without Giving Up Pool Time)

7 Easy Ways to Advance Your Career This Summer (Without Giving Up Pool Time) 7 Easy Ways to Advance Your Career This Summer (Without Giving Up Pool Time) When the sunshine beckons and the backyard hammock starts to look a lot more appealing than your cubicle, it becomes all too easy to put off those small but important career-building tasks. But the less-harried pace of the office during the lazy days of summer may actually provide an opportune time to do a little professional fine-tuning. “Everyone gets a bit more laid-back when the weather is warmer,” says Jill Jacinto, a Millennial career expert and Associate Director of Editorial and Communications for career site WORKS by Nicole Williams. “Don’t fall into this trap. Use the summer as a time to shine and develop new projects while your co-workers take summer Fridays and long lunches.” Just think: You’ll be ahead of the game for the busy fall hiring season- or when your boss takes a renewed interest in your duties in anticipation of year-end reviews. So we asked workplace experts to share their top summer career to-dos for everything from developing your skills to beefing up your personal brand- so that you’ll be moving ahead professionally while your competitors are working on their tans. Summer To-Do #1: Revamp Your Online Bios Do the descriptors you use to define your professional persona on the internet seem a bit blah? Then now’s a good time to assess whether those few- but important- words really showcase your best self. There are three versions of your online bio that you should take the time to hone, says Cachet Prescott, a resume writer, career coach, and workplace trainer. The first is a micro bio you might use on social media platforms like Twitter, which Prescott suggests keeping to about 50 words. You might use a medium-length bio (100 words or so) on your own professional blog or website, as well as content you contribute to other sites. And there’s the deeper-dive version (up to 500 words) that may appear on LinkedIn or your company’s staff “about” pages. Regardless of a given bio’s length, “make sure your brand message is consistent across all platforms,” Prescott says. “Think about what you want people to know about you, who you are, and what you’re doing [professionally].” If you’re unsure of the personal brand you really want to portray- creative visionary? customer-service pro? take-charge leader?- then ask colleagues how they view you. “If there’s a disconnect in how they see you and how you want to be seen, look for ways to close the gap in your branding,” she says. Summer To-Do #2: Liven Up Your LinkedIn Page “There’s research showing LinkedIn is the primary way [employers] are going to get their candidates,” says Mark Frietch, President of Frietch Consulting Group, a career coaching and recruiting firm. “So working on a resume is not going to be the best use of your time.” Indeed, a 2014 Jobvite survey found that 94% of recruiters are active on LinkedIn. So, rather than while away a lunch hour looking at viral videos on YouTube, consider using that time to update your profile with your latest credentials, promotions, or any other career strides you’ve made over the past few months. Jacinto even suggests setting aside time every week to maintain your LinkedIn network. “Connect with people you don’t talk to as often. Maybe there’s even a project they’re working on that you can help out with,” she says. “Summer is a good time to do this because you’ll be the most prominent one in their inbox.” And if your photo hasn’t been changed since the early 2000s, ’tis the season to freshen up your LinkedIn look. “Take advantage of the sun’s rays for amazing professional head shots,” Prescott says. “Winter is a depressing time of year, and you don’t tend to capture the same happiness and carefree spirit that you can [in photos] in the summertime.” Summer To-Do #3: Request a Mid-Year Evaluation If your company does only one employee performance review at the end or very beginning of the year, summer may be a good time to check in with your manager to see how your boss thinks you’ve been progressing since winter. “Put your request in an email, saying something like, ‘I know we set some goals in January, but can we do a mid-year check-in?’” suggests Lauren McGoodwin, a former recruiter at Hulu and founder of work-life site Career Contessa. With this move, you can review your strengths and weaknesses, McGoodwin says, and have time to correct any performance issues before the next formal review time rolls around. Successfully capturing your boss’s feedback and giving yourself time to make subsequent changes could mean the difference between spinning your wheels for the rest of the year- or ringing in the new year with the raise you’ve been gunning for. Summer To-Do #4: Take Your Networking Outdoors Face time can go a long way toward furthering professional relationships, so why not take advantage of the nice weather and do a little alfresco networking? If a traditional networking game of golf isn’t your thing, you can turn pretty much any summer outing or personal hobby into a meet-up opportunity- baseball games, yoga classes, and even outdoor concerts. “Most cities have a free music series during the summer. Invite [colleagues] you’ve recently met, and look to build that relationship,” suggests Frietch. Jacinto suggests taking advantage of shorter work days by trying to attend at least one networking event per week. And it needn’t be a run-of-the-mill mixer or industry panel. “It could be a great cooking class, or a documentary screening,” she says. “Or maybe you decide to go to an industry event one week, and a non-industry event the other- as long as you aren’t meeting the same people over and over again.” Summer To-Do #5: Fill in for Vacationing Co-workers Have you been curious to learn more about the project your colleague is working on? If he’s planning to take a two-week cruise, offer to pinch-hit while he’s away. “[Your co-worker] will be happy that you’re willingly pitching in, and you’ll be able to further your skills,” Jacinto says, adding that it’s an opportunity to shine for a new department, a new set of stakeholders, or a new supervisor. And you don’t have to wait for a co-worker to go on a European excursion to make an impact- thinking outside the box is an evergreen endeavor. “Make it known that you want to take on more,” Jacinto adds. “Managers always want to hear that you’re thinking about the business and ways to make it better. So if you share a great idea, and it gets positive reception at a staff meeting, don’t wait for the official assignment- get it to the rough draft phase and show it to the team.” Summer To-Do #6: Schedule Informational Interviews If you’re planning to spend some time this summer figuring out your next career move- especially if an industry change is in your future- try to squeeze in as many informational interviews as you can while your workload is light. Picking the brains of some of the smartest and most capable people in your extended network could give you the push you need to make the leap to your dream job. McGoodwin knows from experience: She sent 30 LinkedIn messages to recruiters in the Los Angeles area- and met with 28 of them over the course of seven months- before deciding she wanted to become a recruiter herself. “Your goal for the conversation should be to walk away knowing what the day-to-day is of that job,” McGoodwin says. “You want to gather enough information to decide ‘This is the job for me.’” Summer To-Do #7: Start a Career Journal Sometimes deciding where you’ll go and what you’ll do next career-wise requires a more introspective take. So just as you’d keep a travel journal for the summer, consider regularly jotting down your thoughts about your professional life- particularly if you feel like you’re in a rut. “Create a list of the things that make you tick, or write down how you feel about work after each week,” suggests McGoodwin. “What makes you feel like the best, most productive, most authentic you? Maybe it’s when you write, or create graphics, or teach someone something new.” Journaling can not only help you discover things about yourself that you can use to boost your personal career brand, but also help you deal with a hard day at the office. Research has shown that writing down how they thought and felt during a stressful event helped people better cope with the situation afterward. And while it’s true that writing may come more naturally to some, don’t let writer’s block discourage you- there are no rules for perfect prose. “Feel free to just brainstorm,” McGoodwin says. “But it helps to write it down so you can go back and reference it when you need a little [work] inspiration.” More From LearnVest 8 Traits You’ll Find in Every Fearless Job Hunter 4 Intrepid People Dish: “My Crazy, Risky Career Move…That Paid Off!” 8 Ultimate Opening Lines for Fearless Networking

Sunday, November 17, 2019

A Little Thanks Goes A Long Way

A Little Thanks Goes A Long Way A Little Thanks Goes A Long Way */ Read the infographic text. A LITTLE THANKS GOES A LONG WAY According to human resources (HR) managers, how helpful it is to receive a thank-you message after an interview: 58% Somewhat helpful 22% Very helpful 12% Not very helpful 8% Not helpful at all But how many HR managers reported receiving notes from applicants? Only 24% According to HR managers, the following are appropriate methods for applicants to thank an interviewer*: 94% Email 86% Handwritten note 56% Phone call 7% Social media 5% Text message 2% None of these Most common way HR managers have received a thank-you note**: 65% Email 21% Handwritten note 12% Phone call 1% Text message Source: Accountemps survey of more than 300 HR managers in the United States *Multiple responses allowed. **Responses do not total 100 percent due to rounding. © 2017 Accountemps. A Robert Half Company. An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/Disability/Veterans.

Friday, November 15, 2019

What Caseys Coaching Resume Example Taught Us

What Casey’s Coaching Resume Example Taught Us What Casey’s Coaching Resume Example Taught Us Sport coaching employs over 270,000 people in the US and has been steadily growing each year. While the industry itself has been on an uptrend, it is somewhat dominated by men and areas such as basketball are lacking in coaches. With this in mind, Casey’s coaching resume could not have come sooner. Casey has been working as a basketball coach for the last four years and has done so across three countries: Ireland, Northern Ireland and The United States. Her passion for the industry knows no bounds and has seen her involved in some of the most inspiring basketball organisations in the world PeacePlayers International for one. For her, a coaching resume is used for securing coaching opportunities and as a record of her experience. Here’s what we’ve learned about coaching resumes from Casey’s example. 1. Get involvedThe best way to bolster your coaching resume is to get involved everywhere you can. From local teams to international organisations, Casey has been a coach in a var iety of settings. You can find relevant experience just about anywhere. As we see in her resume, whether its high-school or an international organisation, the skills remain the same. Research to see if there’s a local team in your area, or volunteer with a youth club. The more experience you can show, the easier it will be to secure a more lucrative coaching job. 2. Opportunity not locality One thing that makes Casey’s resume stand out is her history is global. Speaking to her, she says that some of her coaching experience was offered to her while she was living elsewhere. This shows us that like with most jobs, you can broaden your coaching horizons by looking outside of your local area. Remote working as a coach is possible, too. Perhaps you could volunteer as a consultant or host one-on-one meetings with teammates to help strategize. 3. Action is keyCoaching is a hands-on activity. Casey brings her action-oriented sensibility across by including a photo from a former coaching gig. The same can be said for any coaching project. You should demonstrate your action in any way you can. This can be linking to your website that has videos of your coaching, or even including an action-photo like Casey did. 4. Bring your personalityFor coaches to be effective, they need to mesh well with a team. This means recruiters of coaches need to see who you are to determine if you’ll fit with the team’s culture. Casey ensures that her personal side is shown by including her life philosophy in her resume. There are other ways that your personality can be brought in your resume: detail your favourite books, provide a personal summary, include a Most Proud Of section and more. Overall, the key learning from Casey’s resume is that we can learn from an example and apply it to our own situation. To see some more examples of people who have been successful with their resumes, check out our other stories: Avery, Steffany and Eden.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

You Neednt Break the Bank to Find the Talent You Need

You Needn’t Break the Bank to Find the Talent You Need You Needn’t Break the Bank to Find the Talent You Need You Needn’t Break the Bank to Find the Talent You Need Conlan Sure,  finding the right candidate costs money. But it’s not the job advertisements or even the competitive compensation that really hit your bottom line. It’s an inefficient recruiting process- sorting through piles of resumes, qualifying candidates, checking back with them- that eats up time, and time is money. These recruiting solutions and processes can help make finding talent more cost-effective. Be Clear about What You Want Some employers take a fisherman’s approach to recruiting- they cast a wide net with an all-encompassing job ad in the hopes of finding the best candidate out of a larger candidate pool. While that may seem like a good idea, it will only set you up for more work. Vague job descriptions are likely to attract less qualified candidates. The result is your having to wade through a lot of resumes that don’t have what you’re looking for. A well-written job description provides a clear picture of what it’s like to work at your company. This enables applicants to self-select- and self-eliminate. “Lead the job description with a compelling story of your organization: What are its origins, hopes and dreams, how is the culture evolving, why do people join the company and stay, and so on,” says Steve Tennessen, a director at the recruiting firm TRANSEARCH International in Chicago. Then describe a day in the life of this role that reflects your employer brand, as well as its goals and objectives. “Convey excitement about what you do and in hiring the right people; confidence and conviction will attract the same sort of people,” Tennessen says. Get the Word Out Now that you’ve created a great job description, share it with your employees - these people can serve as your recruiting machine. “The best low-cost recruiting strategy is to encourage all employees at a company to bring the recruiting team great leads,” says Steve Benson, founder and CEO of San Francisco-based Badger Maps, a sales app.  Referral bonuses or other incentives can help to encourage these connections. Keep in mind that your employees will tend to know people like themselves. While employee referrals may ensure a good cultural fit, they may fall short of your hiring a diverse team. Next, use social recruiting  to spread the word about your job. Whether you list job openings on your website or use a job board, share the link on your company’s social media channels as part of your social media strategy. Don’t forget to share your job postings with employees; invite workers to share these links on their own social networks. Encourage workers to participate in online industry groups where they can share what it’s like to work at your company and to post their enthusiasm on your company’s social pages. Leverage the Power of Recruiting Technology “Companies spend a lot of time qualifying or gauging interest from candidates who might be a good fit, while they should be focused on courting the candidates they know are a good fit,” says Javid Muhammedali, Vice President of Product at Monster. “You want to make sure you’re having the right conversations with the right people,” he says. That will allow you to effectively focus on engaging the right candidates. Recruiting technologies such as semantic search help identify interested and qualified candidates early on in the recruiting process. When combined with the candidate’s behavioral online activity, this technology can be a powerful way to identify the best match for opportunities at your company. Beyond saving time and money, there’s a surprising additional benefit. Rather than dehumanizing the process, technology can help put the “human” back in human resources, Muhammedali says. “By getting tech tools to do more of the work of qualifying resumes for experience and fit, recruiters can spend more time with the actual conversations and getting to know candidates.” Use advanced technology to instantly receive qualified candidate resumes with Power Resume Search.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

How to boost your creative output at work by meditating

How to boost your creative output at work by meditating How to boost your creative output at work by meditating It’s a common misconception that to achieve great things you must work as hard as you possibly can and that anything other than extreme dedication to hard work will detract from your success. While focus and input are essential to productivity, giving yourself time to relax and allowing your mind to drift are also vital to the creative process.What does creativity actually look like? Most often creativity comes from inspiration followed by action. That doesn’t mean that you spend your days idly “waiting for inspiration to strike” the act of repeatedly sitting down to work is essential for success. However, you have to give your mind room to breathe in order to tune into those moments of inspiration. This is where meditation offers a helping hand.Creativity comes from that connectedness to your inner sense of self, your intuition. Meditation is a practice that encourages and fosters that intuitive connection. When you develop a heightened awareness through meditation, you stre ngthen your self-belief and inner knowing. With that sense of trust comes the freedom to explore and follow creative thoughts that occur to you. Creativity and spontaneity are intrinsically linked. When you force yourself to come up with an idea it is far less likely to come. Inspiration usually strikes when we are least expecting it, not when we are frowning at a blank screen.That’s why so many writers take long walks or runs, or why you hear about geniuses coming up with their best ideas in the bath or shower or while doing some mundane activity. Those quiet moments where we are doing and thinking about something else act like a reset of the brain. You can get tunnel vision trying to force your idea into shape, but when you take a break from that, you allow for a fresh approach to occur to you. This exact process can also take place when spending time with those you love, including pets. Jenny Nolan from pet specialists  Cleaner Paws  has spoken at length at how spending time wi th animals is an excellent way to become present.Consider breaking up your workday with regular breaks to freshen and reset your brain and body. Sitting in meditation is a great way to find a few moments of stillness but you could also take it outside and practice a walking mindfulness meditation. Online resource  kensho way  explores different ways that you can integrate meditation into your everyday life.Neuroscientists  studying creativity found that the whole brain is involved in the creative process, not just a single brain region or side of the brain. When we meditate we activate all areas of the brain, just like in creative thinking, communication of the entire brain is what’s happening.It can be hard to let go of the idea that relaxation and downtime are just procrastination, but the value of spending time alone in quiet stillness should not be overlooked. The key is to find that balance where you can optimise your time away from the desk to really benefit you mentally and emotionally.Regular meditation can provide an incredible boost to your creativity. Studies show people who meditate receive incredible psychological and cognitive benefits. Meditation has been shown to enhance memory, improve learning skills and the ability to sustain attention. These are all so important for creativity. A mind and body working in harmony is far more likely to produce exciting, fresh ideas than one that is overworked and frazzled from effort.This article was originally published on

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Leading Change Writing and Evaluation Strategies for the Senior Executive Service

Leading Change Writing and Evaluation Strategies for the Senior Executive Service Leading Change Writing and Evaluation Strategies for the Senior Executive Service Leading Change Writing and Evaluation Strategies for the Senior Executive Service Kathryn Troutman and The Resume Place are excited to be offering a new two-day SES Application Writing Workshop at the Federal Career Training Institute in Catonsville, MD. Click here to learn more about this class! The ability to Lead Change is a critical and exceptional executive competency. Leading Change is the first Executive Core Qualification (ECQ) that is required to write and prove in order to apply for a Senior Executive Service Application. The official definition also requires that the Leading Change examples include 6 leadership competencies: 1. Creativity and Innovation 2. External Awareness 3. Flexibility 4. Resilience 5. Strategic Thinking 6. Vision Leading Change Tips from former US Mint Director, Phillip Diehl A tip from Phillip Diehl for leading change in government agencies is that â€Å"employees have been through every change management slogan of the month and have witnessed management that have used those programs to mask other agendas. Their response to authentic change agents will range between skeptical to cynical. Theyve earned the right. â€Å"During change, workers need to know that their work has value to a customer whether internal or external. Phillip Diehl, former Director, US Mint, 1994-2000. In the classic Leading Change Fast Company article, Mint Condition, Anna Muoio wrote that â€Å"Philip Diehl knows how to make change deep-seated, far-reaching, this-feels-like-a-different-place kind of change. Coaching and Recognizing Leading Change Ideas from an Executive Coach Nicole Schultheis, Attorney, Senior Executive Services Consultant and Writer, and President of Maryland Writer’s Association talks about her experiences coaching executives in the Leading Change examples. â€Å"I write resumes for lots of lawyers and accountants, and I always ask them to tell me about the change they have been responsible for in their organizations. The phone usually goes silent at this point. ‘I don’t do change,’ they’ll say. ‘I only represent clients.’ Or ‘I’m just a policy wonk,’ or ‘I’m just an expert on [esoteric subject matter].’ No one has ever asked them to think about the changes they have catalyzed. So then I ask them to think about a time of great stress or crisis in their agency, and what role they were playing. One client remembered that, in the wake of the assassination attempt on President Reagan, he was able to negotiate the promotion and eventual passage of several changes to the federal criminal code. These were reforms that none of his predecessors had succeeded in wrangling out of Congress. In a few minutes, we realized that within his simple answer were all of the competencies that made up his ‘Leading Change’ ECQ. â€Å"A finance whiz told me that after September 11, she had to gear up for the deployment of large numbers of active duty military as well as reservists. Placing the pay information side by side, she noticed a disparity in certain accounting procedures between active duty and reservists. She leveraged that critical event into an opportunity to modernize an enormous payroll system, having vast reporting effects. No one had asked her to look at the long term effects of this reporting change, but there were plenty. Evaluating the Quality of Leading Change Achievements A successful executive accomplishment analysis technique, invented by David Letterman and used by Executive Coaches, is to develop your Top Ten List of Accomplishments. This is a list of your most proud leadership accomplishments in the last ten years. After you write your Top Ten, then map the accomplishments into the 5 ECQs: Leading Change, Leading People, Results Driven, Business Acumen, Building Coalitions. Each ECQ also encompasses 5 to 7 Leadership Competencies. For Leading Change the leadership competencies are creativity and innovation, external awareness, flexibility, resilience, strategic thinking and vision. If the example demonstrates the Leadership Competencies and truly expresses change, then we review the examples for executive level decision-making and performance. We review the accomplishment to determine if the executive experience is unusually strong as a candidate for Senior Executive Service Corps. UNUSUALLY STRONG All of Phillip Diehl’s US Mint Transformation accomplishments described in the Mint Condition article would demonstrate his ability to Lead Change. Phillip did demonstrate strategic thinking and vision, was creativity and innovative, demonstrated external awareness, was flexible, and demonstrated resilience in leading the massive changes at the US Mint – resulting in the US being named as Number 2 by the American Customer Satisfaction Index, next to Mercedes Benz. UNUSUALLY STRONG The Senior Finance Program Manager did lead change in modernizing the largest payroll system in the world for the US Military by improving accounting procedures, fairness of pay and improving reporting effects for the most complex military payroll following Sept. 11. She did demonstrate strategic thinking and vision to recognize the need for change immediately. She was resilient, persistent and flexible. She did demonstrate external awareness with the importance of solving this biggest payroll problem in history (probably). UNUSUALLY STRONG The Presidential Attorney did recognize the need for change in federal criminal code after the attempted assassination of President Reagan. He did demonstrate strategic thinking and vision by leading change in the federal criminal code, which took resilience, persistence, external awareness. This was innovative and creative in representing the reform that had never been presented or successfully accepted before Congress. Build Your Executive Leadership Case The government is changing in every department. Your ability to lead change, save money, and improve programs and services will be appreciated by all Americans. If you have unusually strong Leading Change achievements, document them in writing today. Measure them against the Leadership Competencies and build your case for a future Senior Executive Services position.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Purchasing Free Resume Icons

Purchasing Free Resume Icons The design also includes a green leaf to grow the fresh effect. Next you are going to learn about another fun Thonny features. Others are provided by graphic design sites. It's possible to easily edit all the panels within the plan. Adding hidden meaning to your logos allows you to have a little bit of fun with your clients and educate them about your business at precisely the same time. If you find the below logo, it will only take up space. You're able to change the colors if you prefer. It's possible to easily alter the color to fit your own taste with one click. You can pick from three different kinds of icons. The icons are offered for both personal and commercial work, without the necessity of any attribution. All artwork and text is totally customizable. All artwork and text are wholly customizable. The plan is still organized and simple to read an excellent instance of balancing creativity with readability. Show them you understand the significance of social media and understand an on-line environment by including your handles on social networking. If you're on the lookout for designer quality icons by professionals, you'll certainly need to stop by Behance. The social networking icon you selected replaces the preceding icon. The Free Resume Icons Cover Up If you find an icon you'd love to use on a commercial project, you're pay a one-time fee. Go right ahead and run your program and see what the results are. In exchange free of charge, you will have to provide credit to the creator. The Ashley template has an exceptional social networking contact section. The package manager will enable you to install packages you will want to use with your program. Remember that the email you use for job contacts ought to be separate from your private email. To get a professional resume produced, you'll have to devote an appreciable quantity of money. The internet download can be obtained by means of a web browser by visiting the Thonny site. Choose which sections you must put in your CV (dependent on the job which you're applying for), and which ones you'll be able to remove. Most positions desire a minumum of a single year of specialized experience. It's rather rare that you find your perfect job, the exact same is true for corporations looking for her or his ideal candidate. By way of example, perhaps you are asking for work in a dynamic, collaborative work atmosphere. From an employer's perspective, searching for the best employee is a tough process too. If you want to find work, you may be brief in cash. There are an assortment of reasons to discover a work as speedily as possible. Ensure you didn't miss whatever could cost you the job that you dream about! Gossip, Lies and Free Resume Icons Open sans will do the job nicely as an alternate font choice. Along with fonts, you are going to find over 50 icon fonts that are simple to use while you download and install on your PC. Additionally, the custom fonts add an extremely nice, original touch to the whole design. The font you select for your logo has a substantial effect on the emotions your logo conveys. Everyone adores a wonderful icon collection. Photoshop isn't the best choice for every resume. You'll certainly find a good deal of beautiful icons here and, like the name implies, at no cost. In the telephone icon set above, you might also add a dash of color to your resume. Simply take a few large and little steps throughout the function to find out what is occuring. Just scroll down until you discover a section named Resumes or CVs, based on where you are. Your resume summary is among the most essential sections of your resume. After reading the other answer by kolossus I also wished to add a little on making certain the images are ideal for the resume. The Free Resume Icons Trap All of these are absolutely beautiful! Numerous formats available A massive benefit of our CV layouts is that they're supported by all well-known formats. Downloads can be found in a number of sizes and file formats. Bringing you free PSD icons from all around the internet, Best PSD Freebies gives you the ability to download icon sets directly from their website. Most of our Resume Templates can be found in various color schemes to offer you better editing opportunities.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Important Solutions for Resumegenius Login in Step by Step Format

Important Solutions for Resumegenius Login in Step by Step Format With their vast array of templates, you can guarantee you will get the one which's correct for you. Although the absolutely free version lacks some powerful features provided by other builders, it's still among the most easy-to-use resume tools. If you wish to use a present template, there are plenty of great resources online that could help you whip your resume fit, using templates or guidelines. It's possible, however, see your resume utilizing any of the numerous premium templates to find a sense of how well it works. It's important to select a font and font size that's legible and leaves enough white space on the webpage. If you own a lot of information you have to fit on a single page, have a tip from this design by Halle Rasco and utilize easy-to-read fonts and clear headings for each section. Speaking of the premium templates, when you make a new resume and pick a template to work with, the selection page is a little too stylized, or so the template selections look as a mishmash of ads as opposed to an organized list. Go right ahead and find a feel of how simple it is to use these templates and be astonished at the results which you get. Since the area of banking revolves around trust, your banking CV should be wholly professional. Tailor your objective to coordinate with the job to which you're applying. You are going to be able to find out who has visited your profile. Therefore a well-designed, comprehensive and appealing LinkedIn profile is extremely beneficial to be spotted by recr uiters and stick out in the work search practice. Spend some time matching your qualifications to the job to make certain you're including the suitable search phrases and abilities. There are a small number of design alternatives to pick from, and they all are clean yet admittedly drab designs. Learn about the three sorts of skills you're able to highlight and the way you're able to incorporate them into your resume. Working in human resources requires skill in handling different men and women. The Argument About Resumegenius Login An employer needs to get workers that may complete tasks independently, and be in a position to modify their priorities when necessary. As soon as an employee becomes part of a business, they also represent that provider. Admittedly, if it's too long it is not likely to be read, and if it's too short, a recruiter might think you don't have enough experience. A recruiter ought to be in a position to tell you could get the job done safely in the r ole and have sufficient experience to deliver. What You Don't Know About Resumegenius Login In the event the provider utilizes formal language in their corporate communications then you ought to do the exact same in your CV. Who knows, in case you left with a fantastic impression, the corporation might continue to keep your records on active file of prospective candidates for future opportunities. Receive notifications when you register for scholarship deadline reminders, save scholarships you want to apply for later, and keep an eye on your applications. There are a couple of dozen different resume templates readily available online, but many of them suck. To achieve this, you should use the prerequisites of the job to dictate the content of your cover letter and observing these best practices. Use the checklist to be sure you have included all appropriate data in your resume. Become a Successful Graduate member, and learn to compose a graduate resume that's true to your d istinctive abilities and background. You can select the content you would love to add in the form fields, and your resume will be constructed. Our resume builder is the quickest approach to create a resume that can help you get your fantasy job. An architecture CV should showcase your capacity to help create the sort of buildings the employer is searching for. Professionals complete high-quality work in time. As stated before, have a look at job descriptions for the position. The result ought to be an easy to scan and simple to update resume. You may use the exact same graphic on your cover letter to provide your application a polished, pulled-together appearance. As a wonderful touch, Dan Hernandez has branded his cover letter with similar style, which is an intelligent idea if your work application involves submitting a number of documents. The aim of your resume is to provide you the very best possibility of making it to an interview, and thus don't offer an employer a reason to exclude you from the approach. What's Actually Going on with Resumegenius Login There are lots of facts that will need to come together in harmony to generate a resume effective. There are lots of reasons why folks quit their job and pursue different opportunities somewhere else. Researching the companywill help dictate the tone you would like to use, which might differ greatly, based on the place you apply. Various folks need various resumes, actually, every individual needs different versions of his own resume to utilize for different purposes.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Dirty Facts About What Does Cv Stand for Exposed

Dirty Facts About What Does Cv Stand for Exposed Attesting your CAQH profile is the procedure for signing off on your CAQH application at the conclusion of the application procedure. Don't forget the aesthetics (and be brief) You might have heard from a variety of sources your CV needs to be very plain concerning decoration. Inside my experience, recruiters have a tendency to concentrate on readability and clarity more than they do overall length, so so long as every point you're making on your resume has an immediate strength and goal attached to it, it has to be included. For liquids apart from water the proportion of the fluid density to the density of water also has to be utilised in the calculation. The Lost Secret of What Does Cv Stand for Use precisely the same language when you create a CV, therefore it's simpler for the individual reading it to observe how you match up. Employing action verbs in resume writing is as simple as any other type of writing, so long as yo u know what things to include and what things to look for. There's no excuse for mistakes. In many instances, the toughest portion of a work application method is even getting an interview, and understanding how to compose a CV may be the issue. You will probably need to pay a yearly subscription fee to be a member of the expert body. As you probably know, the insurance policy credentialing procedure may be painful one with all the many credentialing applications and insurance carriers. If you may read the crucial elements of your CV in under half a moment, then you may just stand a high probability of catching a possible employers eye. In different parts of the Earth, the expression CV keeps its American meaning. Gossip, Lies and What Does Cv Stand for Thus, when you take into consideration the value of a CV, it could be a source of fantastic frustration that most recruiters make a determination on calling someone to interview in less than 30 seconds. It is essential tha t you use positive language in order for the employer receives a positive impression of your personality. Or, you may not want employers to understand how old you should prevent age discrimination. As a result of the web and mobile computing, healthcare employers and recruiters can review hundreds of competent candidates almost instantly. When you calculate the essential Cv range, you are going to know the valve or regulator is sized correctly to deal with the true flow. The pressure levels are what you are trying to control. In a genuine system it's important to choose a control valve that has an appropriate Cv (or Kv) flow coefficient for the true valve position which is going to be used. It is very important to learn the red blood cell distribution width as it plays a significant part in diagnosing a disease. What Does Cv Stand for: the Ultimate Convenience! Another opinion can be helpful in assisting you to craft a well-polished CV. Regardless of whether you take advant age of a CV or resume, you have to thoroughly edit your document. My very first tip starts before you even consider your CV. At times, a CV joint doesn't arrive separately. Tailoring your CV is vital and thus the more effort that you put into it the better. Writing a strong CV may be a frustrating procedure. Picking out the proper CV to highlight your abilities and experiences is vitally important. So make sure that you position yourself clearly in keeping with the role being applied for in the Professional Profile at the start of your CV. Also, in the majority of countries including UK, it's better to continue to keep your CV plain and formal in place of creative. In america and Canada, there's a difference between a CV and a resume. In america, the primary difference between a CV and a resume is the function of the documents. Up in Arms About What Does Cv Stand for? The information that you put in your CV is essential, but if it isn't formatted properly and laid out in a transparent fashion, it is likely that it will be overlooked. There is an abundance of resume postings through internet form s or emails. Check your main URL (and every link you have in your on-line CV) on a standard basis. Formatting a CV for a PhD application is fairly straightforward and straight-forward, but there might be variations across different regions of academia, therefore it's better to consult with members of your distinct department, regarding any specifics attached to your area. The skills-based CV permits you to concentrate on the skills you have developed in a variety of regions of your life. A sharp-looking document proves that you have the capacity to present yourself with professionalism and fashion. As your principal advertising and marketing piece, your resume says a good deal about you. Since you may see, tailoring your resume can only benefit your work search. The Key to Successful What Does Cv Stand for Your profile statement on top of your CV should also be somewhat short, two or three sentences. Make certain you have a duplicate of the work description when filling in the form. Think about it as the personal letterhead near the top of your professional resume. If you need assistance determining how to compose a CV, it can be useful to seek advice from a template. You might be requested to submit a CV when applying for work in academia or a job outside the usa. In case the work description employs the very same job title as the one already at the very top of your resume, then you're all set. To compose the very best CV and stick out from the crowd, target the document to the job you're applying for. In a CV, for instance, if you're asking for work in education, you may want to set your teaching experience at the very top of your CV.